The name The Long And The Short And The Tall is used as a suggestion of inherent differences in the main characters, with their only shared trait being their membership of the patrol and their stationing in the Burmese Peninsula. The play addresses the issue of British public perception of the Japanese after the conclusion of World War II. This unlikely group of people encounte......
《成长的烦恼》,在致敬和抄袭的边缘疯狂试探。有些集是真的很逗,练英语那集“how are you”,笑死我了。就算不逗的集,在故事上也能看的津津有味,当年可是用来下饭次数最多的剧之一了。亲妈对刘星的态度确实值得商榷,刘星也有好几集都提出来了,看似神经大条,实际上也对母亲的不一视同仁表示伤心,而刘梅承认错误后过几集就会再犯。