罗马尼亚安东尼斯库将军独裁时期大屠杀 Holocaust în timpul Guvernului Antonescu(2004)
- 标签:
- 纪录片
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Cristian Hadji-Culea
- 主演:
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- Documents in precise detail that for the most part Romania did not rely upon German assistance or initiatives to solve its own Jewish problem. They "took care" of their own Jews, mimicking some of the German formats, but in essence avoided the unique German creation of the death camps, instead transporting the Jews to Transnistria. Romania was not necessarily less ruthless to i......
- 主演:
- 类型:
- 暂无
- 地区:
- 西班牙,意大利
- 评分:
- 5.9
- 简介:
- 班德拉斯饰演的记者马科斯,爱上了马戏团表演马术和枪法的演员安娜。谈话,看照片,打枪,喝酒,接吻,然后就相爱了。实在是平淡,简单,安恬自然,是清风明月,是小桥溪水。如此走下去,即便是分分合合,爱欲交困,...
- 评论:
- 最经典的一版 杨过很帅又带着邪痞 小龙女清冷不食人间烟火 主题歌优美更是加分
- 这两天,没日没夜一口气重温了古天乐、李若彤版《神雕侠侣》,4k修复画质,惊觉这个武侠剧本质上是另一种美好且坎坷的偶像剧、纯爱片,两人每一次短暂相聚,你侬我侬,秀一番恩爱、撒一波狗粮之后,短暂温存不再,又要因为各种原因分开,这个师徒恋太辛苦,秀恩爱、情难待,最后16年的等待太虐心。