无线冲突 Bastardo(2013)
- 标签:
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Néjib Belkadhi
- 主演:
- Abdel Moneem Chouayat / Chedly Arfaoui / Lobna Noomana / Lobna Noomene
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- This is the story of Mohsen aka « Bastardo », a man with no origins or history, who's always been excluded and rejected by the inhabitants of his poor neighborhood. After having been fired from his job, Mohsen, thanks to his friend Khlifa, has a GSM relay installed on his roof for a substantial monthly income. This aerial enables the neighborhood inhabitants to finally enjoy mo......
- 主演:
- Abdel Moneem Chouayat / Chedly Arfaoui / Lobna Noomana / Lobna Noomene
- 类型:
- 灾难
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 9
- 简介:
- 很不错的悬疑剧,虽然剪辑刻意打乱了时间顺序,但是有字幕提示,时间线还是挺清晰的。这剧要是放在爱奇艺迷雾剧场肯定热度会高很多,可惜了,优酷的排播只会毁剧,一部16集悬疑短剧拖上一个月,再好看的剧都拖糊了,从此以后听胆小鬼都觉得多了几分沉重感。...
- 评论:
- 秦理和黄姝我真的哭死!!!求千万别魔改,想看到属于他们俩的那点星光
- 个人观感良好,“成年期”欧豪阴郁的感觉贼棒,多线展开的剧情,尸体出现就预示着这部剧敢拍,国产剧能不断开拓上限也值得鼓励,咋咋唬唬的娇娇和安静甜美的黄姝莫名磕到了? 9.2更新黄姝她值得5🌟!