Lia Asatiani / Tsitsino Tsitsishvili / 奥塔尔·梅格维内图胡采西 / 朱利·乔霍涅利泽 / 基拉·安德罗尼卡什维利 / G. Kiasashvili / R. Tataradze
Lana Gogoberidze belongs to the generation of directors that made their débuts in the 1970s. With the Shengelaya brothers, Otar Ioseliani, Nana Mchelidze and others, she helped to introduce new genres to Georgian cinematography and bring a more personal tone. Gogoberidze works mainly with lyrical material and is drawn to the stories of young lives. She has also directed the fil......
作为一个热血运动番,截止到29集,一场真正意义上的网球赛都没有。关键比赛分别是,夹功能饮和在网球场用打排球的方式踢足球哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。宝藏男主为爱quit the game N次。老网球俱乐部是梁焦焦他爸开的,新网球俱乐部是梁焦焦他妈投资的,梁焦焦身为俱乐部第一名长达本剧2/3时间,但他不是男主。梁桃的纠纷是梁焦焦帮解决的,然而梁桃因为他有钱不喜欢他。《被嫌弃的梁焦焦的一生》