Sandra is an overly sensitive young woman who, when under pressure, has trouble with deciphering the line between reality and her twisted fantasies. During her husband’s birthday party, she has to spend a day with his family. Their barely conceived hostility is making her gradually lose her mind....
像是,摆好餐具点燃烛光拨动唱片甚至铺了入场的红毯……最后给你端了一杯温开水as正餐既视感。38集的鸡肋——放在现在娱乐选择无比丰富及阅读耐心持续走低的时代下,等同于垃圾——这不是任何一方或环节能单独祸害的,实属是文本拍摄演员on and on的一系列平庸废物操作所致。不如直接上传剧照压缩包&磊子肉体cut当粉丝福利,实在不用上央占用中老年人的眼球资源。