路西法的女人 Lucifer's Women(1974)
- 标签:
- 恐怖
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Paul Aratow
- 主演:
- 拉里·哈金 / Jane Brunel-Cohen / Norman Pierce / Clair Dia / Paul Thomas / Tweed Morris
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- An acclaimed author has developed an interest in Satanism and black magic. Hoping to manipulate him to suit his own perverse desire, his publisher convinces him to perform the ultimate black rite: a human sacrifice. Selecting a beautiful burlesque dancer to be their victim, he begins having doubts about his beliefs, as his publisher becomes more and more preoccupied with the bl......
- 主演:
- 拉里·哈金 / Jane Brunel-Cohen / Norman Pierce / Clair Dia / Paul Thomas / Tweed Morris
- 类型:
- 歌舞
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 4
- 简介:
- 我就想问:你早干嘛去了?...
- 评论:
- 傅卫军这个角色绝了,哑巴这个演员很厉害,把那种苏感和狠劲很好地揉在了一起,让人又怕又爱,这种片子里居然能立起这么一个有魅力的角色,实在让人惊喜。果然比起东北老爷们唠嗑破案怀念逝去的那个年代,我还是更偏爱白夜行这种悲剧底下的少男少女的相互救赎。也许后者这种经典情节就是能把人性深处最美的点推到极致吧~期待后续剧情,希望不要烂尾。
- 质感太好了,从人物到结构到情节到诗的喻指,从场景到时代到小人物到动作和神态,就像是古老年代的重新演绎,比复刻还要完美,还要有灵魂;一次次让我想起老家的人们,还有只有混着酒才讲得出的一幕幕往事。向前看,别回头。结尾的一场雪,简直可以封神!感谢导演、编剧和演员!这部剧让我重新思考了一遍活着这件事。