None of them could resist. Over the years, the monthly meetings of the Stew Club – a fraternity that has gathered seven long-time friends for decades – has gone from rituals of power to melancholic failure assemblies. The end would be its only worthy fate. Until a mysterious cook appears, and starts serving them magnificent feasts. The bonds of friendship are back, gluttony as ......
第一次看推理类的综艺,之前明侦密逃都感觉看不下去,这次真情实意地追了整整三个月,大结局了,万分不舍,真的太太太太太好看了。惊讶于这剧本竟然能写得这么大,从第一集开始就在埋细节埋伏笔,一直到结局,所有NPC几乎都有自己的人设和故事,可以说是一部大手笔的电视剧,最喜欢探访康复中心那集还有倒数第二集公司地下室,超有代入感,场景道具什么的节目组真的用心了。而且最重要的是,这才是真正的girls help girls女性题材的故事啊,全剧大部分重要角色都是女性,也大都是正面角色,背后的内核也非常有意义,好几集都看哭了。赶紧给我拍第二季啊啊啊啊!!!...