A beautiful, nameless woman is hired to spend several days and nights with a man in his apartment. Not only does he want to sleep with her, but he is obsessed with the desire to look at her naked body. A philosophical dialogue develops between the man who relates his thoughts and writes them down and the woman who explains to him the causes of his 'lethal sickness'. After the w......
我就说!安居乐烨是靓 T 呆1 这一型!对我来说不够劲,没有噼里啪啦闪电带火花,但的确是个新鲜组合,视觉相当合格,故事不行,靓 T 呆 1 磁极相斗精神相偕适合的是日常感但有反转的故事,女主外男主内且最好是带武力值的比如武侠仙侠,例如《功夫》神雕侠侣,《剑雨》小城夫妻,哪怕只是纯喜剧这一类故事 cp也是很有看点,比如常见的客栈场景,曾经亡命鸳鸯现在民宿老板,女方,包租婆,火焰公主,沙漠一枝花,大砍刀,力拔山兮气盖世,每次被不愿惹事的老公气到房子都劈成柴,男方,掌柜,家庭煮夫,成天拿着算盘和账本跟在老婆后面,只有救老婆的时候会出手,立过誓放下屠刀不再在江湖掀起腥风血雨,所以动手救老婆还不能让老婆知道,一杆秤干翻一群反派,诸如此类,但安乐传现在的剧情就很难让这类角色组合的电火花闪起来,且再看看吧