英国和欧洲:是富裕还是贫穷? Britain & Europe: For Richer Or Poorer?(2016)
- 标签:
- 纪录片
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- 主演:
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- This summer, the UK faces a momentous choice: are we in or out of the European Union? As the vote nears, the BBC’s Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg tackles the big questions at the heart of the debate: would we be richer or poorer as a nation if we left, and what are the costs and benefits of staying in? She will talk to leading politicians and business big hitters on both sid......
- 主演:
- 类型:
- 喜剧,西部
- 地区:
- 意大利,西班牙
- 评分:
- 5.3
- 简介:
- 暂无...
- 评论:
- 太巧了!每集的煽情点我都恰好完全get不到!😅😅😅
- 9分,每一两集就能讲清楚一个故事的节奏特别好,故事题材以及时不时出现的梗很有中国特色,可能是今年最值得看的国漫。