A father and son set out on a trip to the Balmoral Art Institute. The father seeks a job for himself, but also hopes to convince the Institute’s director to offer a residency to his son, an aspiring composer. Shortly after they arrive, the father must deal with competition from a strange, hostile man as his son, revolted by the Institute, leaves. That’s when he turns to writing......
作为一个热血运动番,截止到29集,一场真正意义上的网球赛都没有。关键比赛分别是,夹功能饮和在网球场用打排球的方式踢足球哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。宝藏男主为爱quit the game N次。老网球俱乐部是梁焦焦他爸开的,新网球俱乐部是梁焦焦他妈投资的,梁焦焦身为俱乐部第一名长达本剧2/3时间,但他不是男主。梁桃的纠纷是梁焦焦帮解决的,然而梁桃因为他有钱不喜欢他。《被嫌弃的梁焦焦的一生》