血与砂:所有你想知道的恐怖西班牙电影 Blood and Sand: All You Ever Wanted to Know About Spanish Horror Films(1999)
- 标签:
- 恐怖
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Andrew Starke / Pete Tombs
- 主演:
- Amando de Ossorio / Orchidea de Santis / Daniela Giordano
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- Blood and Sand focuses on classic Spanish horror, which distinguished itself as gorier, grittier, and more down-to-earth than works being produced elsewhere in Europe. The film features interviews with horror star Paul Naschy as well as some of his female co-stars....
- 主演:
- Amando de Ossorio / Orchidea de Santis / Daniela Giordano
- 类型:
- 喜剧
- 地区:
- 美国
- 评分:
- 5.6
- 简介:
- A collection of skits that make fun of television. Everything from commercials to the nightly news a...
- 评论:
- 热点议题violence推进主线剧情,最根本的问题还是在取巧,这种取巧属于情理之中合理思考。把情感当作商品流水制作,短时间内引入内核,不是层层铺垫下的忖量,下刀的时候又不忘处处扎心。给我一种看剧本杀游戏,短视频快手剧的感觉,刀里藏剧本,故事只有只言片语,我一直把他定位成公益动画片来看,画风和笔绘完全欣赏不来。👀尤其还有第二集打戏插曲跟声优配音搞的像竞争就业似的,挤的不行。画面铺色不错,近几年流行低饱和度配色。原画就很网红,只有op在线(很讨厌这种韩式病娇异类画风)👎🏻
- 怎么第二季还是谜语人