即将30岁的女画家开始思考自己的后半生应该如何生活。母亲为了追求极致纯粹的艺术而自杀。父亲为了不让女画家走上母亲的老路,将真相隐藏了起来。在30岁生日的当天,女画家决定不再浑浑噩噩的生活,和父亲摊牌,并坚持自己的想法——成为一名真正的画家。 The painter, who was about to turn 30, began to think about how she would live the rest of her life. Mother committed suicide in pursuit of the ultimate purity of art. Father hid the truth in order not to let she go the same way as her mother. On the day of h......