我父母离家出走的那天 The Day My Parents Ran Away(1993)
- 标签:
- 剧情 / 喜剧
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Martin Nicholson
- 主演:
- Matt Frewer / Bobby Jacoby
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- At one time or another, most teenagers have fantasized about being rid of their parents, living in a huge house and having unlimited access to a credit card. All three wishes come true for tough-talking 16-year-old Matt Miller when his fed-up parents leave him to start life anew. Despite the potential for teenage fun, Matt finds that life on his own is more difficult than he an......
- 主演:
- Matt Frewer / Bobby Jacoby
- 类型:
- 文艺
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 6
- 简介:
- 2.8.5分不至于吧太离谱了吧?是难得古偶去掉了油腻,但是我们现在对国产剧要如此放低要求容易欢呼吗?问题还是很多的,BUG很多,衔接有问题,演员的演技真的没有达到可以掌控历史沧桑感,甚至年龄感的都未曾觉得有凸显。当然,老年化妆也太弱。逆向时空这么冲突性的设计也是有硬套感过渡不丝滑,缺乏太多细节🤏精妙和转折。还有,编剧们写对白的能力真的有巨大提升空间!这么大反转!一句拎得出来金句都没...
- 评论:
- 空中起楼阁 空有梗和设定 感觉因为s+的洗钱般粗制滥造 大家对小糊剧很宽容
- 最近那么多流量担正的剧翻车,难道还不能说明什么?