欧罗巴漂浮旅店 Flotel Europa(2015)
- 标签:
- 纪录片
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Vladimir Tomic
- 主演:
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- When this film’s director was still a boy, he stood in front of “Flotel Europa“ and was hugely excited about the prospect of this gigantic ship moored in the port of Copenhagen becoming a new home for him, his mother and his older brother. Together with about 1000 other refugees from the former Yugoslavia, they started life anew on the ship. Like many families did in the early ......
- 主演:
- 类型:
- 动作,科幻,剧情,冒险,惊悚
- 地区:
- 美国,英国
- 评分:
- 5.9
- 简介:
- 地球核心因为不明原因停止转动,导致存在于地球上的电磁场急速崩解,全球各地都出现异常灾难。美国波士顿在十个街口的范围内,有三十二名装置心律调整器的市民在一瞬间心脏停止跳动因而暴毙。 西岸旧金山的地标金...
- 评论:
- “越是花团锦簇,他的阴影,便越发深幽难测。”服化道很用心,各个案件新奇诡谲,有点《少年包青天》的味道。一众配角的演技也都在线,毫无违和,良心国剧。
- 鄙人已经不惑 跟导演比命长