Chatsworth, CA. Summer of 1969. Jenna, a rebellious fifteen-year old girl is abandoned by her deadbeat mom. She steals a horse named Prettyface from her best friend, Marlena's family and runs away. Not wanting to be left behind, Marlena follows her. When Prettyface is spooked and throws Jenna, the two girls stumble across a family living in an abandoned movie ranch. Jenna, a st......
This film is a fully improvised account of actual events about a soap opera star who must record a b...
越到后面越差。文华人设好唔合理,矛盾,一个大奸大恶既毒贩,无啦啦就话当哑仔两兄妹系屋企人。警察水平太低,从来未主动破案,一味靠叶浩天系度估估下。madam仲衰,人地都话剪蓝色,偏偏要剪红色,搞死自己。另外,同样系经常出现系剧入面既主题曲,使徒行者既越难越爱会火,呢部既can you see一响起,弹幕都系度发烂渣,感情线写得差咪就系咁咯。结局马国明既出现莫名其妙……