The discovery of a rare mass grave with the bones of nearly 60 people outside Luxor sends archaeologists on a quest to find out who the remains belong to, why they were buried the way they were and what was happening in ancient Egypt that would have led to a mass burial. Could the collapse of the empire's Old Kingdom provide any clues?...
看到本剧的英文名会心一笑,Fake it till you made it,这正是我还是年轻律师时的座右铭。要努力直到自己成为真正的专家,在此之前,即便心里发虚也要强装镇定扮演好专家。它其实代表着这个职业特有的一股向上的劲。就像唐影被车撞倒后爬起来继续去开会的那股劲儿。本剧的真实源于多个维度,白领社畜吐槽老板只是其中一面,年轻律师独立而不屈的劲头也是一面,当然也要归功于原著最华彩的部分-男女主角在爱情中的极限拉扯。蔡文静与原著描述的唐影相比过于漂亮,所以刚开始感觉并不太信服。但随着她和韩东君之间互动渐入佳境,化学反应不断释放,愈发感觉是对原著的神还原。但最好的一场戏是唐影在车上对马总想象中的控诉,堪称女性宣言最强音,将本剧的立意提升了一个层次。最后期待一下原著作者柳翠虎的第二部改编作品!