所罗门王宝藏续集 Watusi(1959)
- 标签:
- 冒险
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- 库尔特·纽曼
- 主演:
- 乔治·蒙哥马利 / 泰娜·伊尔格
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- Following the end of World War I, explorer Allen Quartermain's son Harry travels to Africa to search for King Solomon's mines. He wears a special medallion given to him by his father from the Watusi tribe, who guard the mines. With him is his friend Rick Cobb. Along the way, they meet and take with them Erica Neuler, the daughter of a missionary who was killed by a local tribe.......
- 主演:
- 乔治·蒙哥马利 / 泰娜·伊尔格
- 类型:
- 灾难
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 8
- 简介:
- 倪妮,内娱一个神奇的存在,跟任何男演员搭戏都毫无CP感,她到底是怎么做到的?还有,金瀚孟子义都还没出场,已经这么难看了,那后面。。。...
- 评论:
- 呜呜呜终于见到一对性张力这么强的CP了
- 悬念布局气氛足,倪妮好看又对味。就是每次倪妮让我嘶哈的时候,白宇就能让我瞬间养胃🙄 “洗手间。在里边。那…… 你先洗吧。” 他这断句究竟打哪儿学的?目前看没有不可替代性,不如赵达。