鳄鱼猎手 Outback Hunters(2012)
- 标签:
- 真人秀
- 类型:
- 电视剧
- 导演:
- 主演:
- Tommy Gioiosa / Tommy Nichols / Nigel Palmer
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- In the Northern Territory of the Australian Outback lies 20,000 miles of merciless terrain known as the Top End. Saltwater crocodiles, routinely exceeding 20 feet in length and 2,000 pounds, with two tons of biting force, are the kings of the animal food chain here. Which can be problematic during the dry season, when food becomes scarce and crocs become more deadly as they hun......
- 主演:
- Tommy Gioiosa / Tommy Nichols / Nigel Palmer
- 类型:
- 西部
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 1
- 简介:
- 就是一般的古偶,特效和前几年相比好多了,但也不算上乘...
- 评论:
- 看了只想说,青年演员里难道找不到能演这些角色的人吗?剧里主角们差不多也就二十来岁吧,我看到雷佳音一笑眼睛旁边全是褶子而且肚子那么大真的很出戏(没有攻击演员的意思,但是外形真的不合适演这个年龄的角色了)女演员们还不错,黄小蕾演的感觉确实挺少女的,殷桃我一直觉得她好看。
- 秉坤是家,家是温暖,守着一方烟火,内心富足。但是要吃得了生活的苦,要应对纷繁的关系,甘心于平凡与庸俗;