白马骑士 Der Schimmelreiter(1934)
- 标签:
- 剧情
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Hans Deppe
- 主演:
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- Der Schimmelreiter is based on Theodor Storms novella of the same title. It's about dyke reeve Hauke Haien, who tries to improve the dykes with the help of modern science, but has to fight his superstitious neighbours who suspect him to have a pact with the devil… Storms novella was the last thing he finished before his death, and the book is widely known among germans as every......
- 主演:
- 类型:
- 惊悚
- 地区:
- 英国,英国
- 评分:
- 7.5
- 简介:
- 暂无...
- 评论:
- 在觉得好看和觉得没那么好看之间徘徊,最后还是想给四星。它有一种双向的人物引力在里面:乔夕辰在职场被男友搭救,后来她也从诬告里拯救了他;南嘉看似是小狼狗在陪她坚定了自己,其实也是她坚定了他以后的人生;许言在分分合合中患得患失,最后她主动学会了放手;而胡晶晶用她不被人看重的一生照亮了其他人的一生,其他人也在她的余晖里替她闪闪发光。这些互为成全的设定都很难得。
- 开头那个长镜头太牛逼了,人间烟火气,这才是我想看的警察题材电视剧,没有装逼没有高大上,就是我们小区门口的派出所