After the death of his mother, farmer Windleter feels very lonely on his small mountain farm in Switzerland. Chances to find a wife in the small village are nil - a life with him would mean hard work seven days a week. So he finally "orders" a young woman from Thailand, who grew up on a farm herself, and marries her right away, although she doesn't speak a word of German. Slowl......
感谢节目组和大师们“继续治愈”着我们。中青年作家和老作家们的交谈碰撞其实hit and miss,但当最后几集老作家们自如适意谈童年谈故乡实在感觉太好。还有第四集,众人回忆史铁生,影片伴随的照片中史铁生总是笑容满面的,不是应付敷衍或是羞赧客气的笑,是真正舒心快乐的笑。紧接着余华就说史铁生留给我们最重要的是他的乐观,确实是让现代人动容的。