孤独的爱情 El rebozo de Soledad(1952)
- 标签:
- 剧情 / 西部
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- 罗伯托·加瓦尔东
- 主演:
- 阿图罗·德·科尔多瓦 / 比德洛·阿门德里兹 / Estela Inda / 多明戈·索莱尔 / 卡洛斯·洛佩斯·蒙特苏马
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- Doctor Alberto Robles considers himself to be a failure for not having fulfilled the dreams he had as a student of medicine and having had to go back to work in his little hometown. There he reunites with his two friends, Father Juan and Roque Suazo, opponents of the local despot like himself. One night, a woman called Soledad begs the doctor to come and see her brother, who is......
- 主演:
- 阿图罗·德·科尔多瓦 / 比德洛·阿门德里兹 / Estela Inda / 多明戈·索莱尔 / 卡洛斯·洛佩斯·蒙特苏马
- 类型:
- 战争
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 4
- 简介:
- 情节拖沓,故弄玄虚,时刻都在装逼和卖腐,我真的感觉李豪凌走向了一条歧路/ep11.一眼丁真,鉴定为拉。这可真是圆不回来了就瞎写,可能这片的乐趣就在于看b站乱吹的弹幕了吧,太秀智商下限了/弟中之弟...
- 评论:
- 这两年在B站看了无数你们的各类小广告后,正片终于开播了哈。
- 还我单元剧吧……