劉可乘 Wiston Liew / 蘇翠華 Soh Chew Hwa / 黃南山 Ng Nan Shan / 李秀蘭 Lee Xiew Lan
偉弘因過往記憶導致夢境反覆錯亂,於是他決定回到大象村去尋找過去的情人。殊不知回到大象村後,卻發現記憶中那一切與外公的記憶有所交織,變得難以疏離,完全沒人相信。於是,他靠著模糊的記憶去探詢根源,卻發現一切是多麼的毫無痕跡。 Since Wei Hong’s dream and memories mixed complicatedly, he has chosen to back Kampung Gajah and looked for his ex-girlfriend. Unfortunately, he found that his dream is similar to his grandpa's memories and it became difficult to alienate. So, he relied on vague memori......