苏维埃朋友录 Soviet Friendsbook(2020)
- 标签:
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Alina Surikova
- 主演:
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- Tthe director looking up her friends with whom she graduated school in 1994, during times of the newly independent republic of Estonia. Finding people in various places all over the world she seeks to build an emotional bridge between two historical moments, offering a unique perspective of Russians living in Estonia and of people that have left....
- 主演:
- 类型:
- 爱情
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 9
- 简介:
- 第4话 三十二人...
- 评论:
- 还是有点过头。任安乐这种超强人设叠了太多buff,就显得像是bug了。性格爽朗,感情直球,武力卓绝,有将士风姿,还真带出了所向披靡的军队。任安乐直接奔着太子妃而去自然是在下一盘复仇的大棋。人设上是想反类型,女A男O的设计是突出了CP感,但说到底只是性别反写,具体成效可能会有争议。ps:龚俊好帅啊!
- 演技很好 剧情后面有些拉 特效不行 没有女主和男二真的就不看了 白白浪费那么好看的演员 但是我还是很喜欢女主男二这个人设