我们制造的麻烦 The Mess We Make(2022)
- 标签:
- 纪录片
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Allard Detiger
- 主演:
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- Allard and his mother, who suffers from a bipolar disorder, try to hold onto their relationship going through high ups and downs. Allard tries to keep her at a safe distance without abandoning her completely. By filming her through these hard times he is able to keep a distance from the tragic circumstances they find each other in. But when she passes away in loneliness Allard ......
- 主演:
- 类型:
- 恐怖
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 8
- 简介:
- 制作精良,剧情实在有惊喜,潘粤明演技实力过硬,哥哥弟弟以及模仿哥哥的弟弟都能演的丝丝入扣。敲喜欢潘粤明和王泷正对戏,句句打机锋张力十足。就是潘满脸沧桑遮挡不住,心痛当年意气风发的小白憔悴成这般模样,盼你收之桑榆。...
- 评论:
- 话太多。潘粤明毁容传奇。
- 这部剧过去快3年了,我还在等第二部,潘老师求你们了,填完鬼吹灯的坑把白夜的填上好吗!我本来想等2出来了一起给分的,一等就是快3年……就第二部如果能保持第一部的水准圆回来的话,我觉得两部都绝对值得5星,说一句潘老师是网剧精品不为过!