Sarah Wisser / Houston Stevenson / Julia Blanchard / Jackson Dockery / Felicity Mason / Sarah Minor / Brayson Goss / Jake Casper / Michelle Patnode / Nikola Dickersin / Bill Salvatore / David Davino / Mar Jennings / Tomas Condon / Samara Deraleau
On an idyllic day at the beach, Alison and her younger brother, Kevin, are saved from a vicious shark attack by the brooding and mysterious Daniel. To Alison's mother, Diana, Daniel is a hero. To Alison's boyfriend, Carson, Daniel is a threat whose stories don't quite add up. Daniel charms his way into Diana's heart and home, but Alison grows suspicious of his odd and protectiv......
Sarah Wisser / Houston Stevenson / Julia Blanchard / Jackson Dockery / Felicity Mason / Sarah Minor / Brayson Goss / Jake Casper / Michelle Patnode / Nikola Dickersin / Bill Salvatore / David Davino / Mar Jennings / Tomas Condon / Samara Deraleau
最近写论文,就靠这部综艺陪伴。风景太美了,音乐也好听(听着像this is us?),还有一只超乖的狗狗,简直就是最理想的度假仙境。好爱看余华和苏童互怼,余华潦草小狗的发型和花短裤,哈哈哈,这两人太有意思了,听他们聊天本身就是一种慰藉。想到小时候看小说,真的跟他们说的一样着魔,痴迷,为了看到结局一晚上不睡。如果说遗憾,可能就是稍微有些“悬浮”,太泛泛,毕竟现在已经不是他们追忆的那个“文化时代”了,希望看到这群智者探讨一些更尖锐、更当下的问题,不过可能说了也不让播。...